Union administration
NALC’s branches are the heart and soul of the union. Like “locals” in other unions, branches are where NALC members get information about both local and national issues, voice their opinions at meetings and coordinate union activities, from advocacy efforts to charitable and social events.
As an NALC member, you are automatically a member of your local branch—one of thousands of NALC branches of varying size throughout the country. Your branch is run entirely by letter carriers like yourself. Although some of the larger NALC branches have one or more full-time elected officers, virtually all branches rely heavily on volunteer union activists who give their time to help their fellow carriers and to do good works in the community. Members elect their own branch officers in free and fair elections, and any regular member in good standing may run for office. In addition, each branch has shop stewards—letter carriers who represent you in your dealings with management. Branch business is conducted at monthly membership meetings, which any member may attend.
Although the branch’s first job is to represent letter carriers at work and thus ensure that carriers receive all the rights and benefits of our labor agreements, many branches also engage in additional activities, depending on member interests. Many NALC branches, for example, offer classes to help new carriers “work smarter” on the job, and conduct special classes for shop stewards and other union activists. Many NALC branches are deeply involved in the political and legislative process, promoting the interests of letter carriers.
NALC branches also have many benefits for its members such as vision and dental benefits, additional retirement benefits, accidental death benefits and scholarships, to name a few. NALC branches promote fellowship and solidarity among branch members by offering a variety of social activities, from bowling nights to picnics to ball games to special dinners for retirees, stewards and other groups.
Finally, branches engage in a number of community and charitable activities, including NALC’s annual nationwide food drive and our annual collection for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. For tens of thousands of letter carriers, participating in the NALC is simply a great way to help strengthen the one organization dedicated solely to protecting carriers’ interests in the workplace and in the halls of Congress—and to also serve our fellow Americans.
Clicking on the map below will reveal branches for each state and area of the country.