National Association of Letter Carriers News Feed National Association of Letter Carriers News Feed Wed, 1 Oct 2014 05:00:00 +0000 AMPS en hourly 1 NALC statement on Executive Order limiting ballot access Wed, 26 Mar 2025 11:00:00 -0500 NALC President Brian L. Renfroe issued the following statement regarding an Executive Order President Donald Trump signed yesterday:

This Executive Order is stacked with blatant lies to undermine the nation’s free and fair election process by placing restrictions on voter access to the ballot box. 

Our country is stronger when more people participate in the democratic process, no matter how they choose to cast their ballots: early, in person on Election Day, or through mail-in ballots.

Letter carriers take pride in our work and have safely, securely and successfully delivered ballots since the Civil War. In the 2024 election, letter carriers delivered 99.22 million ballots to and from voters, tens of millions of which were cast for President Trump. In 2020 at the height of the COVID pandemic, as millions of Americans sheltered in place, letter carriers delivered a record-breaking 135 million ballots.

While this EO claims to be about “preserving” and “protecting” American elections, NALC sees this for what it is: a clear attack on voting rights that slams the safety and security of voting by mail.  

NALC will not stand for any attempt to diminish Americans’ accessibility to free and fair elections, and we will fight like hell to protect this right for the millions of Americans who rely on us. 

NALC participates in National Press Club panel Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:00:00 -0500 Today, NALC President Brian Renfroe, APWU President Mark Dimondstein and NRLCA President Don Maston participated in a National Press Club Headliners event in Washington, DC, to discuss the threats facing USPS and the future of the agency.

National Press Club President Mike Balsamo moderated the panel discussion.

The union presidents discussed the severe impacts privatization would have on all Americans, recent actions the unions have taken to bring awareness to this issue, protecting universal service, how Congress and the Administration can help the Postal Service, attacks on letter carriers, former Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's recent exit, and more. 

When asked about DeJoy's exit, Renfroe emphasized that the next postmaster general must continue building infrastructure and maintaining universal service while valuing USPS employees. "The service is provided 100 percent by the employees and our unions," Renfroe said.

Threats of privatization were a recurring topic, and Renfroe reiterated NALC's firm opposition, warning of its negative impact on more than 300 million Americans, especially 51 million Americans in rural areas. "We serve everyone, everywhere, for the same price every day," he said.

The Postal Service's financial situation was also discussed. Renfroe started by emphasizing that it operates as a public service funded by postage and stamps, not taxpayer dollars. He then identified two potential solutions for financial relief: adopting private-sector accounting for retirement funds and passing legislation to allow investments in higher-yield assets. These changes, long advocated by NALC, would help the Postal Service manage costs and ensure long-term stability.

The moderator asked about the increased crimes committed against letter carriers, and Renfroe laid out the details of the Protect Our Letter Carriers Act. "For the longest time, we were viewed among most people as, 'These are federal employees—don't mess with them. If you mess with them, you're going to jail.' We need to make that a reality again."

The value and possible use cases of the Postal Service's network were also highlighted. "Any attack, partial privatization, any reduction in the service we provide, ultimately results in destroying that network and eliminating, probably for good, our ability to do things like the census, like the COVID test, or any other things that we might want to do to serve the people of this country," Renfroe said.

In his closing remarks, Renfroe said that "the Postal Service is as relevant today as ever" and that "we intend to continue to fight any threats."

Following the Executive Council's decision to host a day of action, today's event was the second major public action this week after hundreds of rallies were organized by NALC branches on Sunday, March 23.

Watch today's full event here.

NALC statement on DeJoy’s exit from USPS Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:00:00 -0500 NALC President Brian L. Renfroe issued the following statement regarding Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's exit from the Postal Service: 

Today was Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's last day at the Postal Service. During his tenure, NALC worked in good faith with DeJoy on behalf of our 295,000 active and retired members.

The USPS Board of Governors' search for a new leader of the agency comes at a critical time for letter carriers and everyone who depends on our service.

The next postmaster general must continue modernizing and investing in USPS' infrastructure while maintaining quality universal service funded by postage, not taxpayer dollars.

They must value and empower the 640,000 Postal Service employees, 73,000 of whom are veterans, who serve the American people.

They must work in good faith with NALC, our sister unions and other stakeholders to get necessary retirement fund investment and accounting policy changes done in Congress. 

Finally, the next postmaster general must fundamentally believe in the agency as a public service and be committed to guaranteeing the universal service Americans rely on.

NALC urges the board to seek out a candidate who meets these criteria. The future of the Postal Service is on the line, and choosing someone with innovative ideas and appreciation for our Constitutionally mandated service is essential.

NALC stands ready to work with whoever the board selects as the next postmaster general. We will fight like hell to ensure our members' perspectives and experiences are considered when the next postmaster general makes decisions that affect letter carriers' working lives.

Arbitrator Nolan issues award, sets terms of the 2023-2026 National Agreement Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:00:00 -0500 Arbitrator Dennis R. Nolan has issued a final and binding arbitration award that sets the terms of a three-year collective-bargaining agreement between the National Association of Letter Carriers and the U.S. Postal Service, NALC President Brian L. Renfroe announced on March 24. Pursuant to an agreement reached by parties on Feb. 26, Arbitrator Nolan conducted mediation with the parties in Washington, DC, March 17-18 while serving as the sole and neutral arbitrator to resolve their collective-bargaining impasse. He issued the award on March 21. It is available here.

President Renfroe issued the following statement announcing the arbitration award:

We are pleased that the award includes consistent pay increases with the largest annual general wage increases since the 2006 National Agreement, and six cost-of-living adjustments, as well as full back pay for all hours worked The terms awarded also address our key objectives regarding higher starting pay, and further increasing top-step pay, where letter carriers spend most of their careers at the salary on which retirement calculations are based.

During the interest arbitration process, we fought for wage increases and rebuffed arguments based on the Postal Service’s financial difficulty. Previous interest arbitration boards have cited such arguments to justify increasing our share of health insurance premiums and reductions in back pay. This award contains no changes to these or other provisions that could negatively impact pay for letter carriers. It only moves us forward.

In recent years, we’ve reduced the CCA workforce by 15,000 positions and added 12,000 career PTF positions as we’ve moved to transition the Postal Service’s flexible workforce from 100 percent non-career to now over 30 percent PTFs using MOUs we’ve negotiated. The National Agreement resulting from this award will allow us to continue that process in pursuit of our goal of an all-career workforce.

This award follows years of work by the NALC, including its officers, staff, attorneys, consultants and expert witnesses who diligently put together the case for interest arbitration. Their hard work allowed the case to be presented effectively and efficiently.

I thank all the members of the NALC for their activism and involvement throughout the collective-bargaining process.

Here are some highlights of the contract, which covers the period from May 21, 2023, to May 22, 2026:

Wage provisions

Three general wage increases, and six COLAs were awarded.

Arbitrator Nolan awarded general wage increases of 1.3 percent in November 2023 (paid retroactively), 1.4 percent in November 2024 (paid retroactively), and 1.5 percent in November 2025. These increases exceed the general wage increase pattern established in collective-bargaining agreements between the Postal Service and the other postal unions in the previous round of collective bargaining. The award also provides for the payment of six COLAs to career letter carriers using the formula that has been included in Article 9.3 for many years. That proportional COLA provides all career carriers equal protection against inflation. Four of these COLAs, totaling $2,725 per year at Step P, will be paid retroactively pursuant to Article 9.3. The amounts of the final two COLAs will, as usual, depend on the Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index (CPI-W, 1967=100).

CCA pay increases

CCAs will receive three additional 1.0 percent increases for cumulative general wage increases of 2.3 percent in November 2023 (paid retroactively), 2.4 percent in November 2024 (paid retroactively), and 2.5 percent in November 2025. Within 180 days of the date of the arbitration award, CCAs will receive an additional $0.50 per hour pay increase. This increase is in addition to their cumulative general increases.

Pay table modifications

Steps AA and A will be eliminated from Table 2, raising starting career pay by 4.5 percent. CCAs converted to career PTF position will see wages rise by more than $4.31 per hour. Additionally, the annual rate at Step P in Tables 1 and 2 will be increased by $1,000. This increase is in addition to the general wage increases and COLAs mentioned above. Both of these modifications will be effective within 180 days of the date of the arbitration award.

Retroactive (back pay) provisions

Full back pay for all letter carriers, covering all paid hours since the expiration of the 2019-2023 contract, was awarded by the arbitrator. Back-pay calculations will include the Nov. 18, 2023, and Nov. 23, 2024, general wage increases (plus the 1 percent additional increase for CCAs on those dates) and the first four COLAs.


All letter carriers will receive the following uniform allowance:

  • May 21, 2025: $536 plus an additional $125 for a newly eligible carrier
  • May 21, 2026: $549 plus an additional $128 for a newly eligible carrier

Unused portions of an eligible employee’s annual allowance for uniform and work clothing will be carried over and available for use beginning 12 months after the end of each anniversary year. An eligible employee’s uniform or work clothing allowance balance may not exceed the sum of two years of the employee’s annual allowance entitlement. This awarded uniform and work clothing program adjustment will be implemented no later than 12 months from the date of the interest arbitration award.

Additionally, a joint task force shall be established to study the uniform program with a view toward reaching an agreement for a new and/or revised program that would take into account the following guidelines: 1) be cost-effective for both management and city letter carriers; 2) provide the parties with more direct control of the Uniform Program; 3) limit management and city letter carriers’ exposure to future increases in uniform costs; and 4) create practices for the manufacture and purchase of uniform items that will reduce the rate of increase.

Layoff protection

The no-layoff clause that protects letter carriers after six years of service as a career employee is retained in the 2023 National Agreement.

Sub-contracting of letter carrier work

The existing prohibitions against contracting out city carrier work are continued for the duration of the 2023 National Agreement.

Health insurance contributions

The employees’ share of health insurance premiums remains the same as in the 2019-2023 National Agreement for both career and non-career letter carriers.

NALC and USPS representatives will put together the entire text of the 2023-2026 National Agreement in the coming weeks.

Document purporting to be from Deputy Postmaster General Tulino is fake Fri, 14 Mar 2025 20:25:22 -0500 NALC President Brian L. Renfroe issued the following statement:

"We are aware of a document circulating on the internet that purports to be communication from USPS Deputy Postmaster General Doug Tulino dated March 17, 2025, regarding our upcoming interest arbitration process. That document is completely fabricated. It is fake. Deputy Postmaster General Doug Tulino did not author or distribute the document."

We are fully prepared and looking forward to beginning the interest arbitration process on Monday, March 17."

NALC statement on DeJoy’s agreement with DOGE Thu, 13 Mar 2025 17:42:27 -0500 NALC President Brian L. Renfroe released the following statement following Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s agreement with the General Service Administration (GSA) and the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE):

NALC is aware of the agreement between the Postal Service, GSA and DOGE to assist with “identifying and achieving certain efficiencies.” We remain in contact with the Postal Service regarding DOGE’s efforts at USPS and any potential impact on NALC members.

The safety of our members always comes first. That includes their information and data. Prior to DOGE’s engagement with the Postal Service, we prepared for potential legal action if DOGE was to gain access to our members’ information in USPS records in violation of any applicable laws and regulations. We also expressed our concern over the privacy of our members’ information to Postal Service leadership. Our understanding of the agreement between USPS and DOGE is that it does not grant such access. We commend the Postal Service leadership for protecting employee information. Still, we will continue closely monitoring the situation and will fight like hell against any attack on the rights and privacy of NALC members.  

In a letter to Congressional leaders today, Postmaster General DeJoy laid out some of the “big problems” DOGE could assist with. Some of these are issues we have been actively engaged in and advocating for years. These include USPS’s misallocated pension liabilities, which have cost the agency tens of billions of dollars, and a new investment strategy for USPS’s three retirement funds, which are currently held in Treasury bonds, missing out on hundreds of millions in annual returns.

These policy changes are needed to improve the Postal Service’s financial viability, and we welcome anyone’s help who can influence Congress and the Administration to finally enact them.

As DOGE attempts to tackle these or any other issues at the Postal Service, it is important that they know what our members do and who they are. Letter carriers are lifelines to American communities who uphold our Constitutionally mandated service obligation by delivering to 169 million delivery points, including 51.5 million rural households and businesses, six and sometimes seven days a week.

Five years ago, during a global pandemic when most businesses shut down, letter carriers did not take one day off. We did not work from home. Instead, we delivered every single day, just as we have for 250 years.

If DOGE wants to improve the Postal Service’s finances, the above actions will do just that. Misguided ideas like privatization will not. Common sense solutions are what the Postal Service needs, not privatization efforts that will threaten 640,000 postal employees’ jobs, 7.9 million jobs tied to our work, and the universal service every American relies on daily.

Find a March 23 rally near you Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:00:00 -0500 March Postal Record available Thu, 06 Mar 2025 09:29:55 -0500 Interest Arbitration set to begin March 17 Wed, 05 Mar 2025 11:35:16 -0500 The interest arbitration process to set the terms of the next collective bargaining agreement between the National Association of Letter Carriers and the United States Postal Service is scheduled to formally begin the week of March 17. Dennis R. Nolan will serve as the neutral arbitrator.

New episode: Fight Like Hell! The arbitration process and HELL NO! to dismantling the Postal Service Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:01:52 -0500 Calling all branches! Organize a March 23 rally to say “Hell no!” to dismantling the Postal Service Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:00:00 -0500

On Sunday, March 23, NALC branches are encouraged to host local rallies to say “Hell no!” to dismantling the Postal Service.

With branches holding events nationwide on the same day, we will send a clear, unified message: Hands off USPS!

If your branch is interested in hosting an event on March 23, please contact your national business agent’s (NBA) office.

NALC Headquarters will work with NBA offices to ensure that each event has materials and resources to be successful. To guarantee the delivery of supplies, all event requests must be submitted to NBA offices by Thursday, March 6.

“These local rallies nationwide will bring together NALC members and the public to show their support for letter carriers, all postal employees, and the Postal Service,” NALC President Brian L. Renfroe said. “At a crucial time, this is an opportunity to educate our customers about everything at stake if the Postal Service is privatized or restructured.

“Our jobs, our service, and the entire Postal Service are on the line. We need everyone’s help in our fight like hell against these attacks. I encourage every NALC branch to mobilize and host a local rally on March 23.”

Social Security Fairness Act implementation update Wed, 26 Feb 2025 11:52:21 -0500 Yesterday, the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced that starting this week (Feb. 24, 2025), the agency is beginning to pay retroactive benefits and will increase monthly benefit payments to people who were affected by the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO).

Beneficiaries who are owed retroactive benefits will receive a one-time retroactive payment. This payment will date back to January 2024, the month when WEP and GPO no longer applied.

Social Security benefits are paid one month behind, so most affected beneficiaries will begin receiving their new monthly benefit amount in April 2025 (for their March 2025 benefit).

The agency has expedited payments through automation but cautioned that complex cases cannot be processed automatically and will require additional time.

Affected beneficiaries are urged to wait until April to inquire about the status of their retroactive payment since these payments will be processed incrementally throughout March.

For more information, please visit SSA’s Social Security Fairness Act web page.

Feb. 26 Day of Action! Tell the White House: Hands Off the Postal Service Tue, 25 Feb 2025 15:04:12 -0500 Following last week’s reports of a planned executive order to dismantle the Postal Service, the threats against our jobs, universal service, and a self-sufficient, independent USPS are real.

While the White House has yet to release an executive order regarding the Postal Service, the threat is looming.

On Monday, hundreds of NALC members, union leaders, and other union members rallied in Washington, DC, against these potential efforts. Together, we must continue sending a loud and clear message: Hands off the Postal Service!

Join us for NALC’s Wednesday, Feb. 26 Day of Action as we tell the White House “hell no!” to dismantling the Postal Service.

Click here to contact the White House.

Questions? Follow these steps.

  1. Click here.
  2. Complete the form.
  3. Add a brief message or copy and paste the sample language below into the comment box (4,000 characters max).
  4. Click “Submit.”

Sample language

I am a proud letter carrier employed by the United States Postal Service. Any effort to dismantle or privatize USPS is a threat to my job, the jobs of all 640,000 postal employees (73,000 of whom are veterans), the 51.5 million rural addresses who rely on our service, and our nation’s Constitution. USPS isn’t funded by taxpayer dollars, and for the sake of every American who depends on the Postal Service, it should remain a self-sufficient independent agency. Hands off USPS!

Federal Retirement Fairness Act reintroduced in House Tue, 25 Feb 2025 10:24:14 -0500 Reps. Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Nikki Budzinski (D-IL), David Valadao (R-CA), and Don Bacon (R-NE) introduced the Federal Retirement Fairness Act (H.R. 1522). This bipartisan bill would allow certain federal employees, including letter carriers, to make catch-up retirement contributions for time spent as non-career employees after Dec. 31, 1988, making it credible service under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS).

Over 65 percent of current letter carriers began their USPS careers as casuals, transitional employees (TEs) or city carrier assistants (CCAs), all of which are non-career positions. More than 132,000 letter carriers who started in non-career positions, in most cases doing the exact same work as career employees, have time currently not credible towards their retirement.  H.R. 1522 would allow these affected letter carriers the opportunity to purchase retirement credit for the time they spent in these non-career positions, providing greater retirement security.

The bill was introduced with 24 bipartisan co-sponsors and is identical to the version introduced last Congress, which had 131 bipartisan co-sponsors.

“NALC appreciates Chairman Connolly, Rep. Budzinski, Rep. Valadao, and Rep Bacon’s leadership on this bill that would benefit so many of our members,” NALC President Brian L. Renfroe said. “This bill is about fairness for public servants. Letter carriers put in the hours and the hard work, and it’s only fair that their time spent in non-career positions count towards their well-deserved retirements. NALC urges the House to pass this bill.”

Take action

Click here to ask your members of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 1522.

Click here for our fact sheet.

NALC holds 'Save USPS' rally in Washington, DC Mon, 24 Feb 2025 11:00:00 -0500

Today, NALC held an event on Capitol grounds to send a clear message to the White House: Hell no to dismantling the Postal Service!

Hundreds of NALC members from across the country, labor leaders, and union members attended.

"I want to be very clear. This is a direct attack on 640,000 Postal Service employees, the universal service we provide, and every citizen who relies on the Postal Service," NALC President Brian L. Renfroe told the crowd.

"This isn't about politics. Regardless of how they voted last year, I can guarantee they did not vote for destroying one of our nation's oldest and most beloved institutions – the United States Postal Service.

“Here today, with all our supporters and friends, when they try to dismantle the Postal Service, what do we say?” The crowd responded with a resounding, “Hell no!”

Speakers included: Ranking Member Gerry Connolly (D-VA), AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond, APWU President Mark Dimondstein, TTD President Greg Regan, CWA President Claude Cummings, Rep. Eric Sorensen (D-IL), Union Veterans Council Executive Director Will Attig, Letters to a Pre-Scientist CEO Lucy Madden, AGMA Soloist Vice President Andrew Stenson, AFA President Sara Nelson, AFGE Vice President Ottis Johnson, ATU President John Costa, Rep. Eric Sorensen (D-IL), and Rep. Jill Tokuda (D-HI).

NALC organized this event after reports last week that President Trump was planning to issue an executive order that would fire the Postal Board of Governors and place the agency under the control of the Commerce Department, changing USPS from the independent self-sufficient agency it has been for 55 years.

NALC completely opposes any efforts to privatize the Postal Service, cut service, or fundamentally restructure the agency.

Earlier this month, NALC launched its “Fight Like Hell” campaign with an event at NALC Headquarters. Today was the next event in this series to bring public awareness to the threats to our jobs and the entire Postal Service.

Stay tuned for more information about upcoming events and actions near you.
